Sustainability at FOSDEM 2024

Edit: you can find the same post for FOSDEM 2025.

Sustainability is a topic I’m interested in, and I got the chance to attend FOSDEM 2024. This seems like a great opportunity to do a quick summary of all the talks linked to sustainability in the Open Source world presented during the event!

By sustainability, I here mean the ecological sense of the term, in opposition to project growth as I saw it used that way in several abstracts.

Disclaimer: I was part of the audience for some of the talks listed below, but given the astronomic number of talks, I wasn’t there for all of them. Luckly, everything is recorded and available online.

If time allows, I’ll develop on the content of some of the talks, but that’s for another time.

Finally, while I listed a lost of talks from the Energy: Reimagining this Ecosystem through Open Source devroom track above, the remainder of the talks of that room are worth having a look.